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History of linux

Linux is an operating system like Unix, which is an independent implementation of POSIX, including true multitasking, virtual memory, shared libraries, demand loading, proper memory management, and multiuser. Linux is developed using the concept of open source. This means that the source code of Linux is open to all who want to develop it.

History of the Linux operating system is closely related to the GNU project, project free program "freeware" famous unknown by Richard Stallman. The GNU project started in 1983 to create a complete Unix operating systems such as compilers, utility applications, utilities making and so on are created entirely with free software.

In 1991, when the first version of Linux framework is written, the GNU project has produced nearly all of the components of this system except the kernel. Torvalds and creator of the Linux kernel as the kernel to adjust them in order to work with GNU components, and so spend enough operating system to function.

Therefore, Linux is the last room in the design complements the GNU. Although the Linux kernel is licensed under the GNU General Public License, he instead of from the GNU project.
Tux, a Penguin, a logo and mascot for Linux. Linux is a trademark (SN: 1916230) owned by Linus Torvalds. Linux is listed as "computer operating system programs for computer use and operation". Trademark was registered after an incident in which a forger named William R Della Croce Jr. began sending letters to the distributors of Linux and Linux is a trademark megklaim his property and asked for a royalty of 10% of them. The Linux distributors began to push for a genuine trademark given to Linus Torvalds. Linux trademark licensing is now under the supervision of the Linux Mark Institute.

Linus Torvalds made ​​Linux in April 1991 and was then aged 21 years. He started to work for memikirikan some ideas for an operating system. He begins with a task switcher in Intel 80386 assembly language for drivers and a terminal. September 1991, the Linux version 0.01 was released, with a 10 239 lines of code, which is then followed by a 0.02 version in October 1991. In December 1991, 12.11 Linux version was released.

Open source licensing system is named General Public License (GPL) by the GNU, which is a body that fight for freedom in the use of the software. Richard Stallman founder of GNU (GNU is Not Unix) struggle to realize this by creating several programs that released freely.
UNIX met Richard M Stallman with the concept of Open Source and its programs opensourcenya (licensed General Public License / GPL) was born the GNU / Linux. 
History of linux History of linux Reviewed by Unknown on 8:33 AM Rating: 5

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