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Network Topology

What is Network Topology?

          Topology is basically a map of a network. Network topology is divided again into two, namely the physical topology (physical topology) and topology in logic (logical topology). Physical topology describes how the arrangement of wires and computers and the location of all network components. While the logical topology specifies how the data information in the network.
       Cables or connections and the physical network topology is often about media (or physical media).Choosing how the computers will be connected in a network is very important (especially in the corporate network). Selection of the wrong topology will make it very difficult to justify, because it is certainly harmful.

It's important to choose what is right for the network topology to be used. Usually an organization or company to change the physical structure and physical media network once in ten years. So it is important to choose the right configuration.
Network topology can be divided into 5 main categories as below :
  1. Star
  2. Ring
  3. Bus
  4. Mesh
  5. Tree 
Star Topology

           Star topology is a form of network topology in the form of the convergence of the central node to each node or user. Star network topology including network topology with intermediate costs.

  1. Damage to one channel will affect only the channel network and the station adrift. 
  2. Including high-level security. 
  3. Hold on a busy network traffic. 
  4. Station addition and subtraction can be done easily. 
  5. Centralized control. 
  6. Ease of detection and fault isolation / damage to network management. 
  7. The most flexible. 
  1. If the node was destroyed, then the entire circuit will stop. 
  2. Wasteful in the use of cables. 
  3. HUB to be a critical element for centralized control. 
  4. Network depends on the central terminal 
  5. If using switches and dense data traffic can cause slow network. 
  6. Network cost is more expensive than bus or ring.
  Ring Topology

            Topology is ring-shaped network topology point circuits, each connected to two other points, so as to form a circular path to form a ring.

  1. Save wiring.
  2. There will be a collision of data transmission (collision), because at one time only one node that can transmit data.

    1. Error sensitive, so if there is interference in a node resulted in disruption of the entire network. 
    2. Developing a network of more rigid.
    3. Difficult to detect damage.
    Bus Topology

             Bus topology is a widely used topology in the use of cables sepaksi mushroomed. By using the T-Connector (with a 50 ohm terminator on the end of the network), then the computer or other network devices can be easily connected to each other.

    The characteristics of the bus topology :
    1. Old technology, connected by a cable in a row 
    2. Does not require active equipment to connect the terminal / computer 
    3. Very influential on the performance of the communications between computers, because it can only be used by a computer 
    4. Cable "cut" and is used BNC connectors of type T 
    5. Threshold of 50 ohm cable connectors mounted 
    6. If the cable is broken then other computers can not communicate with other 
    7. Difficult to perform the tracking problem  
     EXCESS :

      - Addition of new workstations can be done easily without disturbing other workstations.
      SHORTAGE :
        - When there are disturbances in the center along the entire cable network will have the disorder. 

      Mesh topology 

              Mesh topology is a form of relationship between devices where each device is connected directly to other devices on the network. As a result, the mesh topology each device can communicate directly with the target device.

       EXCESS :
      1. Relationship ensures dedicated data links directly transmitted to the destination computer without having to go through another computer so it can more quickly because one link is used exclusively for communicating with the target computer only (sharing).
      2. Privacy and security in mesh topology is more assured, because the communication that occurs between the two computers will not be accessible by other computers.
      3. Facilitate the process of identifying problems in the event of damage to connections between computers.
      SHORTAGE :
      1. Requires a lot of wiring and Port I / O. more and more computers on the mesh topology is needed more and more wired links and port I / O (see formula calculating the need for cable and port).
      2. It is at once also indicate that the topology of this type * Because every computer must be connected directly to another computer then the installation and configuration becomes more difficult.
      Tree Topology

                The tree topology is a combination of characteristics between bus topology and star topology. This topology consists of a collection of star topology are connected in a bus topology as the backbone path.

      EXCESS :
       - Formation of a group can be required at all times. 
      Example : companies can form a group consisting of terminal accounts, as well as on other groups formed for the sale terminals 

      SHORTAGE :
       - Higher if the node later does not work, then the other group who are below it eventually also becomes ineffective 
          Network Topology Network Topology Reviewed by Unknown on 7:30 PM Rating: 5

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